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Follow-up after Rhinoplasty

Follow-up after Rhinoplasty

A brief summary of post-rhinoplasty recommendations given to patients is as follows:

  • Prevent injury to your nose. Minimize all activities, and be very careful.
  • Avoid blowing your nose. Wipe your nose gently with tissues. If you sneeze, try to keep your mouth open.
  • Change the dressing (if you have one) under the nose as needed.
  • Avoid extreme physical activity. Strive for more rest than usual, and avoid exertion.
  • Brush your teeth gently with a soft toothbrush only.
  • Avoid manipulating your upper lip, which helps keep your nose at rest.
  • Avoid foods that require prolonged chewing. This is the only dietary restriction related to the rhinoplasty.
  • Wear clothing that fastens in front or back for 1 week. Avoid slip over sweaters, tight tee shirts, and turtlenecks.
  •  Avoid smiling or excessive facial movements for 1-2 weeks.
  • You may wash your face, but avoid getting the nasal cast wet.
  • Do not wash your hair for 1 week, unless you have someone who can do it for you.
  • Do not get your nasal dressing wet.
  • Absolutely avoid tanning for 6 weeks after surgery.
  • Do not wear regular glasses or sunglasses that rest on the bridge of the nose for at least 4 weeks. You may tape the glasses to your forehead.
  • After the physician removes your nasal plaster cast, the skin of the nose may be cleansed gently with a mild soap or a hypoallergenic/mild skin lotion.

کاشت مو و روش های پیوند موی طبیعی سر

کاشت مو و روش های پیوند موی طبیعی سر

افزایش ریزش مو و شمار افرادی که در مطب های متخصصان پوست و مو در جستجوی راه حلی برای داشتن موهای پرپشت هستند این روزها بازار کاشت موی طبیعی سر و.. را داغ کرده است. بهتر از قبل از استفاده از روش های مختلف کاشت موی سر در مورد انها اطلاعات کافی داشته باشید.

تجمیل الأنف:

تجمیل الأنف:

عملیات تجمیل الأنف فی ایران : تصف عملیة تجمیل الأنف مجموعة من الأسالیب الجراحیة التی یمکن استخدامها لتغییر الخصائص الجمالیة والوظیفیة للأنف.  یمکن تنفیذ العملیة من خلال شقوق جراحیة  تکون داخل الأنف  أو عبر شقوق داخل الأنف بالاضافة الى شقوق خارج فتحات الأنف، عادةً على الجدار بین فتحات الانف. قبل زیادة شعبیة أسلوب جراحة الأنف الخارجیة (المفتوحة) فی العقد الماضی ، کانت مصطلحات تجمیل الأنف وأمراض الأنف الداخلیة مرادفة تقریباً. أصبح هذا التقسیم المصطنع نوعًا ما بین جراحة الأنف الخارجیة (مفتوحة) و الداخلیة(المغلقة) جزءًا راسخًا من تسمیة عملیة تجمیل الأنف الحالیة. على الرغم من ذلک ، یشترک کلا الطریقتین فی العدید من الخطوات کمکان  الشقوق ، و  العدید من المبادئ بغض النظر عن الطریقة المختارة.عملیات تجمیل الأنف فی ایران


تذکر أن انخفاض أسعار هذا العلاج لایعنی انخفاض جودة الخدمات الطبیة ، وإنما یأتی نتیجة لفرق سعر الصرف بین إیران والدول الأخرى.

? How much does a nose job cost in Iran

How much does a nose job cost in Iran?

The cost of doing a nose job in Iran depends on many factors including hospital expensessurgeon’s feesoperation room charges, used medications and instrumentsetc. Rhinoplasty cost is variable based on the nose structure and shape, nasal specialist’s diagnosis and experience.

The approximate price of a nose job in Iran is between 1000 US dollar to 3000 US dollar.

(Rhinoplasty in Iran ( Nose Job

Rhinoplasty in Iran ( Nose Job )



Rhinoplasty describes an array of operative techniques that can be used to alter the aesthetic and functional properties of the nose.  Surgical access to the nose can be gained via incisions placed inside the nose (endonasal approaches) or via incisions placed inside the nose combined with incisions placed outside the nostrils (external approach), usually on the columella. Prior to the increased popularity of the external (open) rhinoplasty approach in the last decade, the terms rhinoplasty and endonasal rhinoplasty were almost synonymous. This somewhat artificial division between external (open) and endonasal (closed) rhinoplasty has become an established part of current rhinoplasty nomenclature. Despite this, both approaches share many of the same incisions, and many of the same principles apply regardless of the approach chosen.


Note: Due to the latest Iran’s currency devaluation, now high quality medical services are available at much lower prices.